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Spiritually FIT  is a step-by-step devotional that walks anyone that wants to hop back on track with their faith or discover their own faith after facing adversity or stumps in the road.


As a former college student and pioneer of the “real world” as a young adult, I've gone down a number of challenging roads I may or may have not wanted to go down. Additionally, I've heard plenty of stories from others who were in similar (or worse) boats, and their stories will also be shared.


This devotional takes stories from the past and uses analogies to connect our past with how we can take action with our future.


Spiritually Fit is scheduled to be released in the winter of 2022-2023.

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Spiritually Fit  is designed so the reader can read one devotional a day in under 2 minutes. Whether it is before work/school, during a lunch break, or before bed, this book is designed for readers to be able to pick up and get their faith back on track.


If you’re struggling with addiction, the loss of a loved one, a broken or struggling relationship, depression, anxiety, or you simply just want to become a stronger individual, this book will, by God’s grace, give you the strength to look to Him who gives us all our strength (Phil. 4:13).


The first major section is the “recovery” phase. It’s all about developing a clean slate, starting fresh, and getting rid of the crap in your life that keeps you from a stronger faith.


The next section is the “being” or “revival”section. It’s focused on being strong in your character and developing more effective leadership traits.


Following the second section is the final section: “giving back.” This is essentially the “pass it on” phase where after reading most of this devotional and making yourself stronger, you can help others to get back on track and begin their own journey of self-discovery.

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